adrian le bas

Adrian le Bas



I Am Who I am

What I can come up with given some extreme attention span constraints.


I Do what I do

I breath, I eat, I sleep, you know, usual stuff...


I Work of course

Cause we pay for eating, for sleeping & soon even for breathing.


I Design for food

And I make sure both taste just as good.


I Code for shelter

Not that I can sleep with those ninja bugs haunting me.


I Learn what I can

Whenever I have the time & patience.


I Think that I think

I'll just keep thinking that, it keeps me ticking.


I Create hence I exist

Because to be or not to be never really helped.


I Sail arr

Not just around the web, but actual real boats!


I Dream Can't avoid it

And one day I'll catch that unicorn!


I Live As life lets me

I came this far, there is no turning back now!


I Love Challenges

So bring in the lions!


I design, code and make bad jokes.

So let's talk about the weather!